About Us

Hey there, I am Leyla and just like you I’ve struggled with anxiety for a long time. And I’ve always looked for answers to my struggles outside myself instead of looking within. I would distract myself with shiny courses, videos, self-improvement books, food, TV, and more courses on how to fix myself in order to figure out what it is that was wrong with me.
That was until I discovered that self-awareness can be taught and all I had to do was to look within me. And that required me to get real quiet. That required me to sit with my uncomfortable emotions of confusion, feeling lost and lonely at times, feeling like there was something wrong with me instead of going to my default mode of pulling out my phone and/or getting takeout to make myself feel better.
My mission is to help all struggling high-achievers and entrepreneurs to quiet their overthinking minds in order to get all the answers from within.